Friday, December 02, 2005


In my day I heard an old man say
Life was not so easy but times where good
We had to scrimp and save
A time of joy was a day at a seaside beach
But that was halved because it took so bloody long
To reach
You kids today and grown ups too
You got it made it are easy for you
I can remember in my day when I was just a lad
Of all the things we never had
We never had colour TVs, computer games
The best thing we did was play cowboys and
Indians and other things with made up names
Things keep on moving, progressing
Modernization I think it’s called
This world is getting to fast
I just wonder how much bloody longer can last
I remember in my day having a bath just once a
That was the height of luxury that we had to share
With four brothers and a sister complain we
Wouldn’t dare
I remember the street where I was born
It’s all gone now only a memory of what used to be
It was such a shock to see my childhood home
Where I played and dreamed replaced by an office
Oh how things have changed and changed
Today will be another part of history
Tomorrow’s the future of which only part I will see
Yes you kids today have got it made
But as I look back I can say those where the days

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